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伪娘 露出 BBC America to air FrozenPlanet Two this winter - 性爱大师第1季电视剧


伪娘 露出 BBC America to air FrozenPlanet Two this winter

发布日期:2024-11-12 14:18    点击次数:162

伪娘 露出

  In this follow-up to 2011's Frozen Planet, the new six-part series called Frozen Planet Two revisits the Arctic and Antarctic. It also gives a view into the secret wildlife dramas that play out in all the world's coldest areas, such as high mountains and frozen deserts.


  It took the team over three years to capture videos of Siberian tigers in Russia walking over great distances to hunt for black bears. In China's Wolong National Nature Reserve, the team brought to light giant pandas doing handstands to mark their scent.



  While there are lighter moments, the ever-changing frozen planet is a central theme of the documentary.


  Mark Brownlow, the series' executive producer, points out that Frozen Planet Two is not just about capturing nice footage, but also “[drawing] attention to changes going on now.”


  The series shows the great challenges caused by climate change that many polar animals now face. For example, pups of harp seals in the Arctic Ocean rely on sea ice for the first six weeks of life. However, the sea ice of today melts and breaks up sooner in spring. As a result, groups of seal pups fall off the ice into the ocean before they have learned how to swim. Meanwhile, chinstrap penguin chicks use their fur to stay warm. Due to a warming Antarctica, however, more rainy days have led to them suffering from hypothermia.


  Source: China Daily伪娘 露出


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